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ID-Cooling SE-214L Snow Edition Air Cooler Review - Eteknix


On the surface, the SE-214L appears to be a fairly standard air-cooler (testing to come) and it definitely has a big market to compete within. As the packaging says though, ID-Cooling specialises in “ideas to make a difference” and in terms of the lighting on this cooler, they have definitely hit the mark there.

A solid, but not entirely special performer. The temperature and noise stats are about what you would expect for an entry-level CPU cooler. In terms of looks, despite it being quite benign, I honestly really like it. Like really, really! That particular shade of white is not often seen in PC component design and with the combined fan lighting looks very impressive when in a system. In terms of performance though in some areas it performs well, but for overclocking, particularly on the heavier side, this doesn’t quite have the punch to make it a comfortable experience

To read the full review, please click here.